Brasil beach parties rock!
quite difficult to post things from the Jericoacoara beach
just a flyer to give you the flava of what's going on here
TORINO DISCO CROSS 1 (compilation, 2003) as FM in "Spylo"- Torino Disco Cross
TORINO DISCO CROSS 2 (compilation, 2004) as REASONABLY ACID MUSIC ACADEMY (R.A.M.A.) "Una Cena Nella Giungla"- Torino Disco Cross
TORINO DISCO CROSS 3 (compilation, 2005)
as part of Lucy Phair in "Wrong (Sophie Long dub)" - Torino Disco Cross
TORINO DISCO CROSS 4 (compilation, 2008) "Nativo" Roger Rama feat. Diego- Torino Disco Cross
TORINO DISCO CROSS 5 (compilation, 2009) "Jeri Swing" Roger Rama- Torino Disco Cross
Respirando con Libertà (remix); Sulle Colline (remix); Investigando (remix); in NICOLA CAMPOGRANDE, PRELUDI A GETTO D'INCHIOSTRO (album,2005) - Velut Luna
ABSOLUT suite part 1, 2, 3 remixed. Downloadable @ www.campogrande.it
ROGER RAMA MUSIC FOR MOVIES (album, 2011) - Blackrecords